If You Want to Reach the Nonprofit Marketplace, We Can Get You There
Top Nonprofits was founded to help nonprofits accelerate their growth through dissemination and sharing of information, tools, trends and best practices. If your organization serves the nonprofit sector, our audience of decision-makers is where you want to be. Over 75% of our readers have Executive Director, CEO/President, VP, or Director level job titles.

Banner Ads
Reach our engaged online audience with targeted banner ad placements throughout the site. Placement available by page and/or ROS.
Ad Sizes
300×250, 728×90, 970×90, 468×60, Leaderboard 970×250
Publish your gated E-book or white paper on TopNonprofits and receive a customized marketing program that includes:
- Lead Generation — Leads may be integrated directly into the Advertiser’s software (where possible) or an Excel file with all downloads during your promotion will be provided.
- 1 Blog Post
- Minimum of 20,000 banner ad impressions ROS
- Social Media posts (Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn)
- 2 Dedicated Emails to 30,000 Subscribers
- 2 Banner Ads in eNewsletter (30,000 Subscribers)


Webinar Sponsorship
Webinar sponsorships are an excellent way to position your brand with a targeted audience. Customized webinar promotions are available using your content or as a sponsor of a Top Nonprofits webinar co-produced with some of the leading experts in the industry. Webinar promotions include:
- 25,000 impressions, ROS.
- 2 blog posts
- Social Media posts (Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn)
- Banner ads in 2 newsletters
- 1 dedicated email to TNP subscribers
- Logo on webinar registration page
- Live acknowledgement pre and post webinar
- Attendee Registration list and Activity Report
- Final Recording to embed on your website
Podcast Sponsorship
Top Nonprofits partners with organizations and independent news outlets to produce informative and entertaining podcasts on the issues facing nonprofit executives today. Customized programs are available to support scheduled podcasts, or to collaborate with you on new podcast production.
Banner Ads
Reach our engaged audience with direct ad placements in our weekly and special edition newsletters sent to over 30,000 opt-in subscribers. Available for both desktop and mobile, with above average open and CT rates.
Ad Sizes
300×250, 728×90, 468×60 (text only)

Dedicated Email
Promote your products and services to a targeted audience with our highly engaged email audience. Share relevant information, offer product demos, trial periods, and build awareness with our limited, and exclusive, dedicated emails. Above average industry open rates; gated access available for lead generation.

To receive a media kit or discuss your advertising needs, please contact us.