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Our blogs are written by seasoned professionals with topics carefully selected and information referenced and curated to provide the best possible information available on the Internet. We’re always open to new ideas, suggestions, and contributions for content. Start learning by clicking on the selections found on this page. Contact us if you have any questions.

Types of Charities

A permanent version of this page can be found under Lists in the top site navigation. Since charities cover such a broad range of missions we've found it helpful to break them down into the 9 different types of charities.  Most of these can then be broken down further into subgroups to help you find they specific type of charity you are looking for. Animal Charities Who doesn't love animals? [...]

4 Great Website Builders for the Tech Un-Savvy

I have a subscription to a small professional website, I suppose we could call it a social network, called MosaicHub. This website has a Questions and Answers feature (similar to LinkedIn’s old Questions feature, it’s just categorized much better) that I spend a lot of time sifting through. A question popped up a while back that asked if a business needed to have a website or if a Facebook page [...]

You Got Hacked. Now What?

A few weeks ago, one of my clients had its website hacked. A small nonprofit here in Columbus, Ohio, we couldn’t figure out why our website wasn’t loading properly and what had happened to all of the content. Then, we received the simple explanation from our web manager: “We got hacked.” "We Got Hacked" At first, there were laughs around the room. And then we realized that this was actually [...]

7 Killer Email Fundraising Tips

  This post was originally published on John Haydon's  blog and is being shared here, with his permission.  7 Killer Email Fundraising Tips from Human Rights Campaign How often do you experience your email messages from your donor’s perspective? How often do you let your donors pick the best email fundraising message?1Well, that’s exactly what Human Rights Campaign does. And it works!During their 16NTC presentation, HRC shared how they crafted wildly successful email campaigns. [...]

Why Your Employment Brand and Company Culture are Everything

As I’ve gone through the last five years of my career, my job search has stayed relatively the same. When I’m searching for writing jobs, it doesn’t matter what the industry is, the job descriptions are all virtually the same. Except that, over the last couple of years, I’ve seen a lot of companies squeezing in witty little remarks, hidden questions, and seemingly ridiculous proclamations about what goes on in [...]

The New Paradigm of “The Ask”

Mention fundraising and the most likely initial response will be something like, “Oh, I don’t like to ask for money.”  The act of  "The Ask",  asking another for a charitable investment, is often seen as the sum total of “fundraising.”   Those of us who have done it successfully, those who have been there, know this isn’t true.  We know it’s not magic.  It’s a matter of attitude.  We know [...]

4 Solid Reasons your Nonprofit Should be Using WordPress

Why should my nonprofit be using WordPress? After all, we have a site up and running; why should we switch? That's a question that any nonprofit might ask.   Since its introduction in 2003, WordPress has grown to become the leading full-featured website management tool on the internet today. Starting as a blogging platform, this content management system has successfully evolved into a web host for millions of businesses, organizations, and individuals [...]

How to Boost Online Donations by 30% or More

You’ve done it. You’ve managed to cut through the nonprofit clutter and catch the attention and interest of a potential donor. Eager (or at least willing) to open their wallet and donate, they’ve landed on your website’s home page. Now that they’re here, the question is: can your website close the deal? If your answer is an emphatic yes, good for you! You’re part of a growing contingent of nonprofit [...]

Human-Centered Design for Nonprofits: 5 Steps to Follow

Building With, Not For, Your Communities At Timshel, we know that to design great products, we have to understand what our stakeholders value. This is true whether we’re designing an engagement platform to help nonprofits and advocacy groups connect with their supporters, or a tool that helps rural health workers with little to no experience with technology collect and disseminate patient information. So how do we understand what our stakeholders [...]

Where’s Your Succession Plan?

  Throughout the country, leaders work tirelessly for their nonprofits, often above and beyond the call of duty. Often nonprofit directors and their organizations are so entwined with each other that a clearly defined succession plan is never a focus. This can be especially true in cases where the director is also the founder, since it is difficult to think of one without the other. Eventually, despite their love for [...]


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