The age of mobile internet is here. The pendulum has swung, and more people now browse the internet using a mobile device than ever before, outweighing the use of desktops and laptops. This fact has a direct impact on your donors’ online giving experience: This means that people are more likely to view your website, read your content, and donate to your org on a mobile device.

people are more likely to view your website, read your content, and donate to your org on a mobile device


Is your website ready for that?


We would guess not, based on that average nonprofit’s website we run into. And while the ‘80s are seemingly the latest craze, it’s probably not the best advice to let this trend bleed over into your web design.


We’ve compiled a few not-so-80s tips to bring your nonprofit’s website design into the ‘10s…or whatever they’re calling it.


Make it mobile


Mobile-optimized is a term that everyone throws out. It’s so ubiquitous because it’s so important. All this really means is that the formatting plays nice when viewed on a phone or tablet. You can see the website in all its glory on a desktop or laptop, and then it’s streamlined (usually into a single column) to be viewed on a mobile device.


This optimization is extremely important. With 75% of young donors declining to give because of an out-of-date website, it’s vital that your most accessible giving platform is easily approachable.


Once your website’s layout is friendly and cohesive, it’s time to shift focus to the habits of mobile users.



Make it friction-less


The term friction in this case refers to the amount of obstacles a constituent encounters in trying to donate. Yes, mobile layouts are part of this (eliminating the dreaded pinch and zoom needed to navigate desktop sites while on a phone). But it hinges on expectation.


When using a phone to surf, shop, or donate, the expectation is that everything is easy. Think about Amazon’s 1-Click Buy. Customers (and donors) don’t want to wade through long forms, forced to type in all their personal info on a touchscreen. Few fields, pre-filled options, and seamless surfing (opposite of being redirected) are what mobile users expect.


Moving Forward


As a nonprofit, there are a myriad of things requiring your attention and budget. On top of that, it’s difficult to convince board members to allocate money toward improving a website – especially if a redesign has been done at all in the last handful of years. It seems like a bottomless hole.


But the stats don’t lie. Making your website and online giving experience up-to-date, mobile-friendly, and frictionless will be more pivotal in the years to come than ever before. Now is a good time to get ahead of the mobile trend and prepare for that type of traffic to increase.