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So far TopNonprofits Contributor has created 108 blog entries.

4 Items to Sell Through Your Nonprofit’s Online Store


In the nonprofit world, it’s common to have a fundraising strategy fueled by monetary donations. However, between product fundraisers, in-person or virtual auctions, clothing drives, and other initiatives, tangible items play a large role in raising support for your nonprofit. Online stores in particular offer an additional stream of revenue for your nonprofit to raise much-needed funds. Every purchase boosts not only revenue but also awareness of your cause, which is why it’s so important to offer the right items. After all, your supporters are more likely to purchase items that appeal to their interests. In this guide, we’ll explore the [...]

4 Items to Sell Through Your Nonprofit’s Online Store2024-09-10T12:56:58-04:00

3 Tools to Help Your Organization Make Data-Driven Decisions


When a nonprofit organization reaches a high level of data maturity and uses data to drive its decision making, it opens the door for all kinds of improvements. From boosting efficiency to increasing positive client outcomes to finding the best corporate giving opportunities, your nonprofit’s data can guide your organization to new heights. But before you can become data mature and make these informed decisions, you need software that allows you to securely collect, analyze, and report on large amounts of sensitive data. We’ll explore three tools that can help you do just that. 1. Case management software For nonprofits and [...]

3 Tools to Help Your Organization Make Data-Driven Decisions2024-09-04T14:51:52-04:00

5 Tips for Recruiting Volunteers for Product Fundraisers


Whether you’re selling flower bulbs, popcorn, cookie dough, candles, or something else entirely, a product fundraiser is a great way to engage your supporters and earn money for your cause. Since donors receive something in exchange for their donations, they’ll be more inclined to contribute—creating a win-win situation for all. To plan and run these campaigns, you need a strong team of volunteers. In this guide, we’ll provide tips for how you can create a comprehensive volunteer recruitment strategy to make your product fundraiser a success. 1. Clearly define volunteer roles. Like any job or volunteer position you’re recruiting for, it’s [...]

5 Tips for Recruiting Volunteers for Product Fundraisers2024-07-25T13:18:56-04:00

How to Recruit and Retain Volunteers in Children’s Ministry


In any of your church’s programs, volunteers are essential to fulfilling the roles that make your ministry possible. Securing this support involves more than just attracting volunteers, though. As a children’s ministry leader, you must cultivate relationships with volunteers, offer a positive experience, and ultimately retain their support for the long haul. Before you choose a children’s Bible curriculum or plan your program’s themes, building a strong team of loyal volunteers is one of the first steps you should take toward all your ministry’s goals. Let’s look at the four R’s of recruiting and retaining volunteers for your children’s ministry. 1. [...]

How to Recruit and Retain Volunteers in Children’s Ministry2024-07-15T15:22:40-04:00

Why Clothing In-Kind Donations Are Valuable to Nonprofits


Nonprofit fundraising professionals spend much time brainstorming ways to secure financial support from various sources, from soliciting major donors to establishing legacy donor programs to creating a recurring giving system. However, it’s well known that in-kind donations, defined as any non-monetary gift to nonprofits or other causes, can also be extremely helpful. While various useful goods and services can be given to nonprofits as in-kind gifts, this guide will discuss an often-overlooked donation: clothing! On the surface, these items may not seem helpful for your mission, but in actuality, they can make a huge impact on your programs and fundraising. Let’s look at why clothing [...]

Why Clothing In-Kind Donations Are Valuable to Nonprofits2024-07-15T11:12:36-04:00

5 SEO Tips to Boost Your Nonprofit’s Online Visibility


In a 2022 study conducted by HubSpot, organic search was ranked the top source of website traffic for all of the 1,600-plus participating organizations. Organic search, or natural search, refers to the results on a search engine that are not influenced by paid ads. In other words, these results are the content that appears first on the page (or the “top-ranking” pages) that isn’t marked with a “Sponsored” flag. To attract more organic search traffic, your website should have high-quality, useful content that includes keywords relevant to your mission to encourage the search engine to rank the pages for those terms. Then, potential supporters search those keywords, [...]

5 SEO Tips to Boost Your Nonprofit’s Online Visibility2024-07-09T16:22:57-04:00

5 Nonprofit Cash Management Statistics & Trends for 2024


Managing your nonprofit’s finances is about more than just raising money and recording what you earn and spend. It also involves financial stewardship—the practice of saving, storing, and investing your cash reserves wisely to boost your organization’s long-term financial health. This means it’s crucial not only to manage your organization’s reserve funds well but also to stay aware of the current financial best practices and trends in the nonprofit sector. We’ve compiled this list of up-to-date nonprofit cash management statistics and trends to help you get started. Whether you’re investing your nonprofit’s funds for the first time or looking for the right cash management [...]

5 Nonprofit Cash Management Statistics & Trends for 20242024-07-18T08:51:07-04:00

Volunteer Retention: 5 Tips for Earning Long-Term Support


Whether you’re planning an advocacy campaign, a new program, or an online donation drive, your nonprofit needs volunteers. But are the volunteers you recruit sticking around? Volunteer recruitment is a challenge for many nonprofits, but fortunately, there’s a simple solution: keep as many of the volunteers you currently have as possible. Of course, this is easier said than done unless you have a reliable volunteer retention strategy. To help your nonprofit create just that, we’ll explore some tips for cultivating long-term volunteer support. But first, let’s dive into just why retaining volunteers matters so much. Why does volunteer retention matter? Volunteer retention [...]

Volunteer Retention: 5 Tips for Earning Long-Term Support2024-06-03T15:36:49-04:00

4 Tips to Engage Volunteers in Major Campaign Fundraising


Volunteers don’t just support the logistical aspects of major campaigns, such as creating marketing materials and supporting events. They advocate for your nonprofit’s mission, providing the on-the-ground support your campaigns need to reach their ambitious goals. According to BWF’s comprehensive campaign guide, the majority of nonprofits running campaigns strongly agree that volunteers play a major role in the success of their campaigns: With that in mind, this guide compiles four tips to recruit, engage, and retain volunteers to support your major campaigns’ success. 1. Recruit volunteer leaders. When recruiting major campaign volunteers, it’s helpful to start small by recruiting a handful [...]

4 Tips to Engage Volunteers in Major Campaign Fundraising2024-05-28T14:49:51-04:00

How to Use Prospect Research Data for Fundraising: 4 Steps


Insights gathered through the prospect research process can transform your fundraising efforts and help you create a powerful, data-driven major gift fundraising strategy—but doing the research is only the beginning. After you’ve collected data about your prospects, the next step is to apply that data. You know that information about prospects’ financial capacity, affinity for your cause, and established giving habits is valuable, but how exactly does it play into the fundraising process? What do you do with the data? We’ll answer all of these questions and more as we explore four steps you can take to maximize your prospect research [...]

How to Use Prospect Research Data for Fundraising: 4 Steps2024-05-08T15:43:56-04:00
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