7 Super Steps to Recruit Nonprofit Volunteers


How can you recruit the right nonprofit volunteers? In The Seven Deadly Sins of Recruiting Volunteers, Volunteer Power provides seven tips to recruit volunteers. Just Ask. People liked being asked to volunteer. Announce why and when your organization needs volunteer help, but invite your best leads personally. Team. Work with your employees or board to create a list of individuals you feel work best for you, and then ask them to volunteer. Ask them what they enjoy doing. Lifetime volunteers. Create a relationship with new and old volunteers that will make them want to come back. When managing volunteers, treat them as [...]

7 Super Steps to Recruit Nonprofit Volunteers2022-02-21T10:49:32-05:00

8 Ways to Break Nonprofit Barriers and Go from Small to Superstar


You’re a small nonprofit making a big impact. Perhaps you dream of how much more you could accomplish with bigger staff, or a bigger budget… or both. What the next world-changing program could be if you weren’t juggling 5 different people’s jobs or putting out fires. Or maybe, you wonder how much more efficient you could be if you just had time to fix that data or operations challenge.   Around 90% of our nonprofit customers at Salesforce.org are small organizations with under 100 employees, who face the same challenges building capacity with a lack of resources. Organizations overcoming these hurdles [...]

8 Ways to Break Nonprofit Barriers and Go from Small to Superstar2018-07-02T15:53:01-04:00

Why Your Employment Brand and Company Culture are Everything


As I’ve gone through the last five years of my career, my job search has stayed relatively the same. When I’m searching for writing jobs, it doesn’t matter what the industry is, the job descriptions are all virtually the same. Except that, over the last couple of years, I’ve seen a lot of companies squeezing in witty little remarks, hidden questions, and seemingly ridiculous proclamations about what goes on in their office every day. [Example: I just read one that mentions bike races in the office…how does that even happen?]   Have offices always been this fun and crazy? Am I [...]

Why Your Employment Brand and Company Culture are Everything2018-04-25T13:20:41-04:00

Where’s Your Succession Plan?


  Throughout the country, leaders work tirelessly for their nonprofits, often above and beyond the call of duty. Often nonprofit directors and their organizations are so entwined with each other that a clearly defined succession plan is never a focus. This can be especially true in cases where the director is also the founder, since it is difficult to think of one without the other. Eventually, despite their love for their jobs, these tireless leaders deserve a break--perhaps a permanent one.   [adrotate banner="95"]   For the next 19 years, 10,000 people will be turning 65 every day. Baby Boomers are [...]

Where’s Your Succession Plan?2018-02-21T02:03:34-05:00

Forget Leadership Programs – Where’s the Leadership?


I am staggered by the number of universities, associations and institutes that claim to teach “leadership.” And I am weary of the statistics about the male/female leadership gap, both in the nonprofit sector and in the wider world of business and politics. But I am even more amazed at the way the “leadership industry” targets its wares by gender. Don’t take my word for it – go to Google and search the keywords “men’s leadership” and “women’s leadership” (using quote marks around both). What did you get? Well, my results were 87,000 hits for men and 1,030,000 for women. Surprised? I [...]

Forget Leadership Programs – Where’s the Leadership?2018-02-08T07:23:52-05:00

5 Employee Retention Tips to Avoid a Breakup


“It’s Not You, It’s Me”  Watching a great employee walk out the door on to another job is hard. Employee turnover rates seem a consistent trend among both nonprofit and business sectors as technology and culture rapidly evolve. What to do? Keep that spark alive between your nonprofit and its employees. When Dan Schwabel of Forbes.com shared The Top 10 Workplace Trends for 2014, “continuous job search” was on the list. Schwabel reports that “73% of workers don’t have a problem looking for new employment before leaving their current employer and 48% of millennials say they conduct job search activities at [...]

5 Employee Retention Tips to Avoid a Breakup2017-12-13T04:52:52-05:00

5 Steps to Becoming a Stronger Networker


You curled your hair and put on your patent leather shoes. You even put on lipstick without your mom’s permission. You are ready for your first junior high dance. Will you ask Bobby to slow dance or stand near the wall with friends? Will you go near the chip bowl, or do you not want to run into Mr. Smead, the algebra teacher/chaperone? This dance was supposed to be fun, but it is turning into one awkward night. Do you notice any similarities to a networking event? Have you ever hoped to become a better networker than when you were in [...]

5 Steps to Becoming a Stronger Networker2017-10-02T16:45:57-04:00

6 Ways to Be a Rock Star Nonprofit Mentor


Mentorship is the sharing of your expertise, experiences and advice with someone who does not have them. They are key to business success. Seventy-five percent of corporate managers believe mentorship was crucial to their own success. Mentorship is less common in the nonprofit world, but there are ways to change that. For example, two advice-oriented groups — the Center for Nonprofit Development and the SCORE Mentors Group on LinkedIn — can link seasoned business and nonprofit professionals with those looking for mentoring. Being a mentor can be good for your own career in addition to those of the people you mentor. [...]

6 Ways to Be a Rock Star Nonprofit Mentor2017-09-29T20:46:53-04:00

The Best Way to Help Someone: Shut Up and Listen!


I was recently blown away by a TED Talk titled, Ernesto Sirolli: Want to help someone? Shut up and listen! As a young Italian aid worker in Africa back in the 70's, Ernesto learned how we often get helping so wrong. The talk is so good that I not only encourage you to watch the entire 17 minutes video yourself, but also took the time to write extensive notes for those of you who prefer to read or scan text. For me, the video has not only inspired my thoughts on entrepreneurship and aid, but also is triggering ideas for how these principles [...]

The Best Way to Help Someone: Shut Up and Listen!2017-09-09T15:08:32-04:00

Revolving Doors: What’s a Nonprofit To Do About Employee Turnover, Part 1


Today, some nonprofit employees seem like rolling stones. They come in, work for a few years or less, and leave to other opportunities. Why are employees--particularly fundraisers--“gathering no moss”? Can organizations effectively quell the revolving door trend? The Chronicle of Philanthropy reports in Half of Fundraisers in the Top Job Would Like to Quit, that fifty percent of chief fundraisers plan to leave their jobs within two years. Forty percent are thinking about leaving fundraising entirely. “Too many organizations lack a culture of philanthropy, which means that development directors don’t have the conditions they need to succeed,” Marla Cornelius says. “It’s a [...]

Revolving Doors: What’s a Nonprofit To Do About Employee Turnover, Part 12017-08-16T05:06:30-04:00
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