Rebranding for Nonprofits: 4 Essential Considerations


For for-profit businesses and nonprofits alike, branding acts as the first interaction between an organization and their audience. An organization’s brand tells readers how they should perceive them, and good branding is the gateway to all future communication with audiences.  For nonprofits, branding is especially important. A nonprofit’s brand represents your mission, so it needs to tell your story intentionally and effectively. If you think your brand is no longer communicating your organization’s message in the best way possible, it might be time for a rebrand. Nonprofits rebrand for a wide variety of reasons, from revising their overall fundraising strategy to [...]

Rebranding for Nonprofits: 4 Essential Considerations2022-11-30T17:06:52-05:00

Giving Thanks: How to Show Gratitude in the Holiday Season


With nearly one-third of all charitable contributions occurring during the holidays, the most wonderful time of the year is also the busiest for your nonprofit. There’s no better time to show your thanks to your donors than the holiday season, a time centered around generosity and giving back. Even outside of the holiday season, donor appreciation is an essential part of any advocacy campaign. It’s a necessary tactic for boosting retention, which is important to guarantee a strong start for your nonprofit in the new calendar year. Your appreciation messages should make your supporters feel special. To achieve this, your thank-you [...]

Giving Thanks: How to Show Gratitude in the Holiday Season2022-11-16T13:59:47-05:00

Diversifying Your Revenue: 3 Effective Ideas for Nonprofits


Picture this: as the new year begins, you review your nonprofit’s year-end donation revenue and realize you’ve fallen short of your projected fundraising goals. As fundraising reports have shown, end-of-year donations can account for up to 22% of a nonprofit's total annual fundraising, meaning potential shortfalls can have impacts on your programs for the rest of the year. Situations like this can happen, especially if unexpected circumstances arise. Fortunately, your nonprofit can mitigate situations like this by diversifying its revenue with a variety of fundraising sources outside of just donations.  Of course, acquiring donors and cultivating donations will continue to be [...]

Diversifying Your Revenue: 3 Effective Ideas for Nonprofits2022-11-03T15:43:45-04:00

Improving Donor Stewardship During a Crisis in 3 Steps


While a crisis may not seem like the best time to adapt your nonprofit fundraising strategy to focus on donor stewardship, a difficult time presents a unique opportunity for nonprofits. In fact, it’s not only a good time to work on donor stewardship, but it’s actually crucial that you focus on supporter relationships during tough times. This guide will help you bolster your connection with your donors in three steps for improving donor stewardship during any crisis. 1. Improve donor communication More than ever, donors need to know that your relationship is genuine. Now is the time to level up your communications to [...]

Improving Donor Stewardship During a Crisis in 3 Steps2022-11-03T15:42:52-04:00

Setting the Right Goals for Your Campaign: Post-Covid Tips


“Help us figure out how much money can we raise. And we’ll decide on the scope of our project.” Consultants in the capital campaign business often get that request from nonprofits. Before deciding on a project, they want to know how much money they can raise. To be fair, it makes some sense. Perhaps when you were a kid, you saved your change in a piggy bank. When the bank was full, you broke it open, counted your money, and went to the store to spend it. But when it comes to capital campaign fundraising, that approach is badly flawed! Some [...]

Setting the Right Goals for Your Campaign: Post-Covid Tips2022-09-12T16:03:12-04:00

10 Internal Controls for Safe Nonprofit Finances


Nonprofit accounting is unique when compared to for-profit accounting. This is primarily because nonprofits agree to reinvest all of their revenue back into the mission at hand in exchange for tax-exempt status. This means nonprofits need to be a lot more transparent about their finances in order to ensure accountability to their generous donors. Due to this transparency and the need to be accountable to donors, nonprofits carefully implement internal controls designed to keep finances safe and prevent misuse. Internal controls are policies and decisions made to prevent the misappropriation of nonprofit funds. In this guide, we’ll dive into ten common [...]

10 Internal Controls for Safe Nonprofit Finances2022-08-24T10:57:05-04:00

Nonprofit To-Do List for the “New Normal”


Strategies to help manage and improve your organization's operations during COVID-19 COURSE COST: FREE Enroll In Course About Author Colleen Duerr Ms. Duerr is the President of Shifting Gears Consulting, an independent consulting firm that focuses on training, communications, writing, and sales/fundraising support for both for-profit and not-for-profit entities. She gained her experience in financial services as a Vice President with CoreStates Bank in Philadelphia, PA where she sold treasury management services to the large corporate market. She also served on many internal product development teams and conducted training sessions in the areas of Trade Show Management, Certified Cash [...]

Nonprofit To-Do List for the “New Normal”2023-05-18T23:57:22-04:00
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