What about those leaked reports from Facebook and Instagram?


Amy DeVita, TopNonprofits: I'm really excited to have Ms. Julia Campbell with us today. She is my favorite go-to, social media expert. Not only does she understand social media very well and stays on top of all the changes, but she also has a very deep background in nonprofit work. Julia, Hello and thanks for joining us today. Julia Campbell: Thanks for having me, Amy Amy DeVita, TopNonprofits: I'm sure I left out some very important things. So if you want to take a moment and introduce yourself to the audience, that'd be great. Okay. Julia Campbell: Well, I am a [...]

What about those leaked reports from Facebook and Instagram?2023-05-18T23:50:42-04:00

Operation Smile and #BitcoinTuesday


Transcript: Amy DeVita, TopNonprofits: Welcome everybody. This is Amy DeVita at TopNonprofits. I'm really excited about this conversation today that we have with Amber Leonti. Amber is the Director of U.S. Philanthropy for the global nonprofit, Operation Smile. And today Amber is going to talk with us about a topic we've been covering quite a bit lately, and that is accepting cryptocurrency, donations for your organization. Coming up soon, actually the same day as, #GivingTuesday, November 30th, we will also see many nonprofits, including Operation Smile, who are involved in #BitcoinTuesday. Here's a little background: #BitcoinTuesday is an international campaign. [...]

Operation Smile and #BitcoinTuesday2023-05-18T23:48:45-04:00

Giving Tuesday: Why It’s Only Mediumly Important


This post was originally published on Third Sector Today, which has since merged with TopNonprofits. Controversial, I know. Let’s start with the basics: #GivingTuesday is the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday.  It is a great way to include nonprofit giving in the post Thanksgiving consumerist rush. This year, it falls on November 29, 2016. #GivingTuesday is an important part of any nonprofit’s end of year fundraising strategy…  but it is not the centerpiece for one main reason: everyone else is doing it, too. Nonprofit organizations are competing for inbox and newsfeed space with the majority of all other [...]

Giving Tuesday: Why It’s Only Mediumly Important2023-05-18T23:57:37-04:00

Best Practices for Nonprofit Storytelling


Believe it or not, but the pressure on you to report on your nonprofit organization’s impact may actually be keeping you from getting more people to get involved. Reporting numbers is not the same as storytelling. It is great storytelling that gets people to care about your organization… and fund it. So, close out those spreadsheets for a few minutes and listen to this sage advice from two women who have spent their careers helping organizations grow and prosper. In this podcast, you’ll learn: WHY telling a story is important- the emotional aspect HOW to tell a story- [...]

Best Practices for Nonprofit Storytelling2023-05-18T23:57:30-04:00

Attract & Retain Talent With A Strategic Compensation Plan


How can your organization attract, retain, and motivate the talent necessary to carry out its mission? An effectively constructed compensation strategy can do just that. Many organizations may not realize the value of a good compensation plan or the impact it can have on performance. With unemployment hovering around 3.5%, nonprofits need to think creatively about developing a compensation strategy that can attract and retain key staff. What motivates staff? Money is important, but it’s not everything. That’s why it’s important to devise a holistic compensation strategy that goes beyond salary. Your plan should represent your organization’s values, inspire employees, and [...]

Attract & Retain Talent With A Strategic Compensation Plan2024-06-11T16:27:32-04:00
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