HR Audits at Nonprofit Organizations: Getting Started


Tackling an HR Audit may not be at the top of your priorities list, but such initiatives offer significant benefits to you in managing your business operations and organizational success, not to mention the value of ensuring legal compliance.   This blog covers the following topics: Why Conduct an HR Audit Choosing the Best Professional to Lead Your Audit Basics of Conducting an HR Audit Audit Triggering Events After reviewing this information, you will be better situated to embark on your own comprehensive review.  Why Conduct an HR Audit RealHR Solutions defines HR Audits as an in-depth review of your organization’s people [...]

HR Audits at Nonprofit Organizations: Getting Started2023-01-29T19:27:37-05:00

Compliance Essentials: 4 Things for New Nonprofits to Know


Fundraising is a core component of any nonprofit. It enables you to cultivate a community, work toward your cause, and create new mission initiatives. Picture this: you’ve gathered your resources and supporters into the beginning stages of a nonprofit organization. You’re all fired up, and inspired to start fundraising for your organization’s cause. But how do you get started with nonprofit compliance laws? Don’t let the complexities of government nonprofit compliance requirements hold you back from embarking on your nonprofit’s fundraising journey! Although this is not an exhaustive list, this article can serve as a guide for what to look out for [...]

Compliance Essentials: 4 Things for New Nonprofits to Know2023-05-18T23:42:11-04:00

Choosing a CMS: 3 Tips for Your Nonprofit


A strong nonprofit website engages supporters, educates visitors about your mission, and accepts online donations. Since your website is such a vital component of your online outreach strategy, you’ll need to choose the right content management system (CMS) to build and manage it. You may be considering revamping your website by migrating it to a new system or creating a brand new site from scratch. Before making a decision, you’ll want to assess your needs and thoroughly research available platforms before making a decision. With that in mind, here are three tips to help you choose the right CMS for [...]

Choosing a CMS: 3 Tips for Your Nonprofit2022-08-30T11:19:58-04:00

Corporate Partnership Q&A: Marriott + Children’s Miracle Network


Corporate partnerships between nonprofits and businesses can be incredibly beneficial to both parties. To provide a peek behind the curtain, this is the first in a series of interview-style articles where we will explore successful corporate partnerships from both the business and the nonprofit perspectives. Children's Miracle Network Hospitals and Marriott International have an incredible partnership spanning more than three decades. With me today, are John Lauck from CMN Hospitals and Amy Moyer from Marriott International to tell us a little more. Craig: Thank you both for being willing to share with us. Tell us a little about each of your roles? [...]

Corporate Partnership Q&A: Marriott + Children’s Miracle Network2021-08-28T10:43:10-04:00

MEGA list of Nonprofit Mission Statements


We just released a list of 50 mission statements selected from the top top 100 nonprofits (based on a series of web, social, and financial metrics). Many nonprofit mission statements succumb to an over use of words in general, but especially jargon.  Good mission statements should be clear, memorable, concise. Some might also add “inspring” do the list of descriptors. I don’t altogether disagree, but I find that including this as an upfront criteria often ends up with a frankenstein that is part mission statement, part vision statement, and almost always too long. Be sure to check out our Guide to Creating Mission Statements for more. Details on [...]

MEGA list of Nonprofit Mission Statements2019-06-17T17:01:52-04:00

6 Ways – Testing Text Ad Zones


Mentorship is the sharing of your expertise, experiences and advice with someone who does not have them. They are key to business success. Seventy-five percent of corporate managers believe mentorship was crucial to their own success. Mentorship is less common in the nonprofit world, but there are ways to change that. For example, two advice-oriented groups — the Center for Nonprofit Development and the SCORE Mentors Group on LinkedIn — can link seasoned business and nonprofit professionals with those looking for mentoring. Being a mentor can be good for your own career in addition to those of the people you mentor. [...]

6 Ways – Testing Text Ad Zones2018-12-02T01:14:45-05:00

How Simulating Vision Loss Helped Donors Connect to Our Cause


When you’re so absorbed by an issue every single day, it’s easy to forget that many people (even donors) may not completely understand the issue that you’re trying to solve. Our donors know that loss of vision makes life incredibly difficult for those who are living in the countries we work in - but many people think that ‘blindness’ means the complete loss of vision with no remaining perception of light (a life of darkness). The reality is that severity of vision loss can vary widely and the way someone blind or vision impaired sees the world depends on the underlying [...]

How Simulating Vision Loss Helped Donors Connect to Our Cause2021-08-28T10:44:05-04:00

Types of Charities


A permanent version of this page can be found under Lists in the top site navigation. Since charities cover such a broad range of missions we've found it helpful to break them down into the 9 different types of charities.  Most of these can then be broken down further into subgroups to help you find they specific type of charity you are looking for. Animal Charities Who doesn't love animals? Well, these groups may all love animals but they don't always love each other. This particular type of charity can be broken down further into four distinct groups. Wildlife conservation organizations [...]

Types of Charities2021-08-28T10:44:21-04:00

Joining a Fundraising App? 9 Considerations


This post was originally published on our partner site, Third Sector Today Think about these 9 things before joining a fundraising app. There’s no denying the mobile transformation of every sector of the nonprofit space. Your supporters have mobile phones and if you ask them to give through their phone 62% of millennials say they will--and yet 47% say the reason they haven’t given is they haven’t been asked. So as your nonprofit readies itself to go mobile you will find many paths to choose from. One of them, becoming part of a third party app, may seem like the easy [...]

Joining a Fundraising App? 9 Considerations2017-12-26T21:54:12-05:00

Nonprofit Logos List [Update]


The 2016 Edition of the Best Nonprofit Logos is live. Design is a rapidly improving area in the nonprofit sector. Still, most organizations can strive to improve their design and branding. We wanted to provide you with some inspiration, so we put together our first edition of our Nonprofit Logos List. These 50 logos are listed in alphabetical order. Individual logos were evaluated based on a number of criteria (specified on the nonprofit logos list page) as well as by our subjective opinion. Keep in mind, this is a ranking based on the logo only and is not necessarily a reflection of the [...]

Nonprofit Logos List [Update]2021-08-28T10:44:56-04:00
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