4 Quick Tips to Remember When Planning an Advocacy Campaign


If your nonprofit is planning an advocacy campaign, congratulations. You’re on the right track to engaging donors, supporters, and other community members in new, inspiring ways as you work to make meaningful change. Now more than ever, audiences want the organizations they support to take a stand on relevant issues and take clear steps to address them. By planning your advocacy campaign thoroughly and strategically, you’ll be better prepared to enact change at a local level and engage these audiences in the process. In this article, we’ll explore a few tips to help you get started. 1. Identify the advocacy [...]

4 Quick Tips to Remember When Planning an Advocacy Campaign2024-10-10T11:32:48-04:00

5 Nonprofit Cash Management Statistics & Trends for 2024


Managing your nonprofit’s finances is about more than just raising money and recording what you earn and spend. It also involves financial stewardship—the practice of saving, storing, and investing your cash reserves wisely to boost your organization’s long-term financial health. This means it’s crucial not only to manage your organization’s reserve funds well but also to stay aware of the current financial best practices and trends in the nonprofit sector. We’ve compiled this list of up-to-date nonprofit cash management statistics and trends to help you get started. Whether you’re investing your nonprofit’s funds for the first time or looking for the right cash management [...]

5 Nonprofit Cash Management Statistics & Trends for 20242024-07-18T08:51:07-04:00

Major Gift Fundraising: Improve Your Strategy with Tech


According to the 80/20 rule in fundraising, a small number of donors (typically around 20%) will provide the majority of your fundraising dollars (around 80%). These contributions are referred to as major gifts. What constitutes a major gift will be different for every nonprofit. For one organization, a major gift may be $5,000. For another, the major gift threshold may be $20,000. Whatever the specifics look like for your organization, the importance of these large gifts cannot be overstated. This is why your method for soliciting and securing major gifts matters. You’ll need careful planning and cultivation tactics backed by robust [...]

Major Gift Fundraising: Improve Your Strategy with Tech2024-05-02T09:36:10-04:00

How to Plan a Successful School Fundraising Auction: 5 Tips


Your school needs a strong fundraising strategy to bring in extra revenue, engage your community members, and power your school’s mission. This is where a lively auction can help. Whether you’re hosting an auction in-person, virtually, or as a hybrid, you can rally supporters around your fundraising goals and engage students, parents, teachers, and community members alike. First, you need an auction fundraising plan. Taking the time to develop a blueprint for your auction ensures you have everything you need to pull off an unforgettable event. Use these top tips to plan a successful school fundraising auction: Determine your event [...]

How to Plan a Successful School Fundraising Auction: 5 Tips2023-07-24T17:13:35-04:00

5 Ongoing Nonprofit Revenue Streams to Add to Your Strategy


When your nonprofit creates or updates your fundraising plan, you’ll probably plan at least a few one-time initiatives and donation drives. But you’ll also want to make sure you have several ongoing revenue streams set up and detailed in your plan. By adding more revenue streams, your organization will have reliable funding coming in all year long. Diversifying your nonprofit’s revenue streams is more sustainable over time than relying solely on donations, and it can push your organization toward greater overall fundraising success. In order to diversify your revenue, you’ll need to get creative and weigh different options to find the [...]

5 Ongoing Nonprofit Revenue Streams to Add to Your Strategy2023-01-29T20:58:40-05:00

11 Nonprofit Graphic Design Tips to Help You Stand Out


What is Nonprofit Graphic Design? Every nonprofit, from the Gates Foundation to a startup organization that operates out of a garage, has a story. This story is the most powerful tool you have in your arsenal to get people to support your cause. Since the advent of the digital age, virtual communication has become nonnegotiable for pandemic-era fundraising and connecting with donors. This is where graphic design enters the picture. Many nonprofits have innovated their brand identity through graphic design. Images are powerful because they can communicate what words cannot. They can not only fortify your brand identity, but they can [...]

11 Nonprofit Graphic Design Tips to Help You Stand Out2022-08-30T11:31:11-04:00

Donation Form Abandonment: How to Recapture Your Donors


Donation form abandonment happens when your nonprofit supporters navigate to your donation page and start filling it out, but end up navigating away from the page before the contribution is complete. Abandonment doesn’t necessarily mean the supporter had a change of heart. They may have been distracted by a phone call, lost internet connection, or realized they were late for a meeting. No matter their reasoning for abandoning the cart, they haven’t completed the gift, which means your organization doesn’t receive those valuable funds as a part of your online fundraising revenue. However, if you’re able to recapture these donors, [...]

Donation Form Abandonment: How to Recapture Your Donors2023-05-18T23:43:34-04:00

Nonprofit Marketing: 3 Easy Ways To Grow Your Audience


Your nonprofit pursues a worthwhile mission, and as a marketing professional, it’s up to you to find the unique channels and messages that help current and potential supporters see that. Otherwise, they might take their support to a different organization that better communicates its purpose and inspires its audience to take action. Not to mention, you’re likely working with limited marketing dollars, meaning the strategies you choose should not only spread the word about your mission, but also help you stretch every dollar in your budget. That way, you can keep current donors and volunteers excited about the mission, inspire [...]

Nonprofit Marketing: 3 Easy Ways To Grow Your Audience2023-10-02T17:37:45-04:00

Using Facebook Challenges to Engage Supporters


Scrolling on phones, reading the news, referencing the latest trends— social media is ingrained in popular culture across the generations. We’d guess that your nonprofit isn’t using the platforms and their fundraising tools to the fullest extent to engage supporters. Few are! The truth is that social fundraising has come a long way from the standard “Donate” button featured on profiles and Facebook fundraisers. Throughout this article, we’re going to cover the ins and outs of using an innovative new strategy, Facebook Challenges, to engage supporters through the following points: Introduction to Facebook Challenges How to Host a Challenge Next [...]

Using Facebook Challenges to Engage Supporters2023-08-29T08:24:44-04:00

Smart Fundraisers are Prepared for Uncertainty


Smart fundraisers are getting better at planning for uncertainty. Just when we thought we were out of the woods, new strains and variants of the COVID virus have sent many fundraisers scrambling, again. Rather than waiting for things to ‘return to normal,' be prepared to pivot. A good fundraising plan should start with an analysis of development activities, either a formal audit or an informal survey of the current state of your program. What are the strengths you should take advantage of, how can you improve areas of weakness, and where are the opportunities for future growth? Creating a fundraising [...]

Smart Fundraisers are Prepared for Uncertainty2023-05-18T23:50:21-04:00
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