Pandemic-Era Fundraising & You: 5 Tips to Raise More


Over a year and a half has passed since COVID-19 was declared a pandemic, and needless to say, a lot has changed in that time. Even the vaccine’s growing availability, social distancing, mask regulations, remote work, and other safety measures remain facts of life. As a nonprofit fundraising professional, you’ve likely seen your nonprofit’s fundraising strategy change drastically in the pandemic era as well. In the past, you may have relied on in-person events or one-on-one meetings with donors to power many of your fundraising efforts throughout the year. Now, virtual and hybrid events, as well as partially or fully [...]

Pandemic-Era Fundraising & You: 5 Tips to Raise More2023-05-18T23:50:36-04:00

Remote Donor Management: How to Engage Donors from Afar


If we’ve learned anything during the pandemic and similar past crisis fundraising, it’s that relationships matter. And forming those relationships requires thought-out strategies and a will to succeed with engaging your donors, especially when you can’t interact face-to-face. With the added challenges of widespread health concerns and social distancing guidelines over this past year and a half, fundraising professionals have had to rethink how they engage with supporters. Even when we fully transition out of the current socially distanced landscape, understanding how to engage with remote donors will benefit your team considerably, especially if a large portion of your donors [...]

Remote Donor Management: How to Engage Donors from Afar2023-05-18T23:50:37-04:00

Operation Smile and #BitcoinTuesday


Transcript: Amy DeVita, TopNonprofits: Welcome everybody. This is Amy DeVita at TopNonprofits. I'm really excited about this conversation today that we have with Amber Leonti. Amber is the Director of U.S. Philanthropy for the global nonprofit, Operation Smile. And today Amber is going to talk with us about a topic we've been covering quite a bit lately, and that is accepting cryptocurrency, donations for your organization. Coming up soon, actually the same day as, #GivingTuesday, November 30th, we will also see many nonprofits, including Operation Smile, who are involved in #BitcoinTuesday. Here's a little background: #BitcoinTuesday is an international campaign. [...]

Operation Smile and #BitcoinTuesday2023-05-18T23:48:45-04:00

How to Pull Off a Successful Nonprofit Virtual Gala


Both online and in-person events have the potential to engage a wide range of supporters. In 2020, the pandemic and its resulting social distancing guidelines led nonprofits to experiment with virtual events (many of them for the first time). Now, several benefits inherent to virtual events have made them well worth adding to this year’s event calendar.One popular virtual event is galas. Galas have strong fundraising potential and are a staple of many nonprofits’ event season. At first glance, you might think that it’s not possible to emulate the atmosphere of a traditional gala in an online space. For example, [...]

How to Pull Off a Successful Nonprofit Virtual Gala2023-05-18T23:47:53-04:00

4 Trends To Expect For Spring 2021 Fundraising Campaigns


The new year is off and running, and many nonprofits are starting to plan for this year’s fundraisers. It’s the perfect time to reevaluate your fundraising strategies, leaving the less effective approaches in the past, and considering the addition of (or emphasis on) some new ones. But with a limited amount of time and resources, how do you decide which strategies to implement again this year and which to leave behind in your fundraising campaigns? First, we’d recommend considering what’s worked for your organization in the past. However, it might also be a good idea to know what your peers [...]

4 Trends To Expect For Spring 2021 Fundraising Campaigns2023-05-18T23:58:14-04:00

How Nonprofit Staff Training Is Evolving Due to COVID-19


In the past year, the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted almost every area of our lives. The topics we’re discussing, the ways in which we’re discussing them, who we can connect with— it’s all viewed through a pandemic-era lens. So, it’s no surprise that your nonprofit’s staff and the training they receive is also evolving because of the pandemic. When it comes to training, your staff has new questions. How do we solicit gifts during a crisis? What will our post-COVID-19 efforts look like? They also have new barriers to completing the training. How do we complete work, training, and more [...]

How Nonprofit Staff Training Is Evolving Due to COVID-192022-08-31T16:10:09-04:00

Outgrowing RFM Segmentation? How Machine Learning Can Help


After a tumultuous 12 months for fundraising, it’s time to take stock of your nonprofit’s accomplishments and adaptations and then look ahead to build on them. Which of your new fundraising efforts have been successful? How have your donors responded? Have you outgrown any old strategies, and have you been able to use all of your resources to their greatest effect? Let’s hone in on the idea of resourcefulness, which has been key to the successes of many nonprofits over the course of 2020. As most organizations now understand, data is one of your most valuable resources and should actively [...]

Outgrowing RFM Segmentation? How Machine Learning Can Help2023-05-18T23:58:05-04:00

3 Ways Social Media Fundraising Is Changing for 2021


Facebook is hardly a new platform for nonprofit organizations to interact with supporters. At this point, your organization has probably already created a Facebook page, amassed a decent number of supporters following that page, and perhaps even used Facebook Ads to expand the reach of your social media-based fundraising efforts— such as running ads to promote any upcoming virtual fundraising events or peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns. At one point, the discussion around using Facebook revolved around how to build an audience on the platform and then direct that audience to another digital location such as your online donation page. You may [...]

3 Ways Social Media Fundraising Is Changing for 20212023-05-18T23:57:56-04:00

Lead Gift Committees: Success with High-Powered Volunteers


Capital campaigns often recruit volunteers to help with various functions. You might have a campaign steering committee, a kick-off committee, a committee to oversee the feasibility study, and a lead gift committee. But sometimes, managing campaign volunteers may seem like more work than it is worth. Volunteer committees do require lots of work to make them function well. And when they don’t work well, they can undermine the success of your campaign. Plus, volunteers can become frustrated and unhappy when they think they are just window dressing and don’t have anything valuable to add to the campaign. Why Go to [...]

Lead Gift Committees: Success with High-Powered Volunteers2021-10-21T16:54:10-04:00

Applying DEI Best Practices for Your Nonprofit


Racial inequality extends to all facets of life, including the nonprofit sector. While many may be tempted to deny this occurrence, nonprofit leaders can use this as an opportunity to champion the charge against inequality and lead by example within their own organizations. Whether we like it or not, many traditional fundraising practices create an inner circle of supporters. From exclusive events to donor recognition walls, our top tier donors (many of whom have similar backgrounds and privileges) are put on a pedestal and can become a highly exclusive group. As the sector pushes more and more for higher fundraising [...]

Applying DEI Best Practices for Your Nonprofit2023-05-18T23:57:50-04:00
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