Why Monthly Giving is Easy


Why Monthly Giving is Easy! By Erica Waasdorp, President, A Direct Solution and author of Monthly Giving. The Sleeping Giant and NEW: Monthly Giving Made Easy During the recent Virtual Summit for Nonprofit Changemakers , Ashton Rodenhiser did this wonderful visual overview of what I talked about for 45 minutes. Mind you, she had only heard me speak once before with a different monthly giving focus. It’s truly amazing how she can capture the essence of the session.  If nothing else, print out this little graphic and put it on your bulletin board. It’s a quick overview of why and [...]

Why Monthly Giving is Easy2023-05-18T23:58:23-04:00

How to Confidently Make the “Ask” (Even if you hate fundraising)


How to Confidently Make "The Ask" (Even if you hate fundraising) What if you knew the steps to pivot off the spin-cycle of small gifts and start securing larger donations on a regular basis? How would you like to confidently secure 50-75% of the funding you need each year by leading your top 30 donors to their best gift? It’s doable. This session will demystify solicitations and help you see there is a path to securing larger gifts from individuals. Using the example of a $10,000 ask, we’ll walk you through the methodology so you can learn how to confidently [...]

How to Confidently Make the “Ask” (Even if you hate fundraising)2023-05-18T23:58:14-04:00

3 Ways Social Media Fundraising Is Changing for 2021


Facebook is hardly a new platform for nonprofit organizations to interact with supporters. At this point, your organization has probably already created a Facebook page, amassed a decent number of supporters following that page, and perhaps even used Facebook Ads to expand the reach of your social media-based fundraising efforts— such as running ads to promote any upcoming virtual fundraising events or peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns. At one point, the discussion around using Facebook revolved around how to build an audience on the platform and then direct that audience to another digital location such as your online donation page. You may [...]

3 Ways Social Media Fundraising Is Changing for 20212023-05-18T23:57:56-04:00

3 Keys to Setting Up Your Fundraising Calendar for Success


We invited special guest Brad Davies, Fundraising Expert from NextAfter to share his experience and talk through a specific strategy on how to grow your organization this year and turn your fundraising goals into a reality. Brad Davies is an online fundraising expert who was the project director of the “Online Fundraising Scorecard” which looked at the online giving habits of 250 charities, 100 of which are on the Chronicle of Philanthropy’s 400 list. Brad has consulted with hundreds of organizations around the world, some of which are the largest charities in America, on their online fundraising.  1. What are [...]

3 Keys to Setting Up Your Fundraising Calendar for Success2023-08-31T14:55:36-04:00

Are You Giving Tuesday 2019-Ready?


It’s hard to believe, but this year’s Giving Tuesday (on Dec. 3, 2019) is just around the corner. For many, it provides a big boost for fundraising. But, as they say, “You gotta be in it to win it!” Are you ready? Even if you have participated in Giving Tuesday in years past, are you ready for Giving Tuesday 2019? Think about the changes in social media and donor behavior that have taken place over the past several years. Now, think about this: If you are approaching Giving Tuesday 2019 as you have Giving Tuesday in years past, you are [...]

Are You Giving Tuesday 2019-Ready?2023-05-18T23:57:41-04:00

Giving Tuesday: Why It’s Only Mediumly Important


This post was originally published on Third Sector Today, which has since merged with TopNonprofits. Controversial, I know. Let’s start with the basics: #GivingTuesday is the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday.  It is a great way to include nonprofit giving in the post Thanksgiving consumerist rush. This year, it falls on November 29, 2016. #GivingTuesday is an important part of any nonprofit’s end of year fundraising strategy…  but it is not the centerpiece for one main reason: everyone else is doing it, too. Nonprofit organizations are competing for inbox and newsfeed space with the majority of all other [...]

Giving Tuesday: Why It’s Only Mediumly Important2023-05-18T23:57:37-04:00

Why Your Board Cares About Fundraising Compliance and You Should, Too


Your nonprofit’s Board of Directors sets the direction of the entire organization. While the board’s primary duties include ensuring that the nonprofit’s funds actually further its charitable purpose, it also makes financial decisions on new programs, technology, and fundraising expenses. At the same time, your nonprofit’s employees and volunteers look to the board for the materials, technology, and approval to conduct their solicitation activities. Any real or perceived disconnect between board and staff can affect your whole nonprofit’s fundraising success! Bridging that gap begins with charitable solicitation (aka fundraising) compliance. Currently, forty-four states have laws surrounding a nonprofit’s charitable solicitation activities, [...]

Why Your Board Cares About Fundraising Compliance and You Should, Too2019-12-16T06:17:36-05:00

6 Examples of Cause Marketing Activities


  "Causes brings over 140 million people together to form the world's largest giving community. The belief that everyone has something to give is at the core of what we do; people just need a little inspiration, and to know that whoever they are, there is something meaningful they can do." -Joe Green, Causes.com   Box Tops for Education, TOMS Shoes, and Live Strong are a few of the most popular cause marketing campaigns today. They are great campaigns that help organizations and others in need. But what exactly is cause marketing?   In ReDefining Cause Marketing, Selfish Giving defines cause [...]

6 Examples of Cause Marketing Activities2019-12-06T07:56:25-05:00

5 Red Flags when Raising Major Gifts


This post was originally published to Amy Eisenstein's blog and is being shared here, with her permission. Red flags are often used as a sign of warning or danger. Unfortunately, most red flags are not literal, but figurative, and are often missed by the people who need them most. Once you know the red flags of major gift fundraising, they might be easier to identify and tackle. Here are the top red flags to watch for at your organization. Once you eliminate these red flags, you’ll be ready to raise major gifts in a major way.   1. The development director [...]

5 Red Flags when Raising Major Gifts2019-11-15T15:13:40-05:00

Let Your Supporters Define Themselves


I recently had the pleasure of speaking at the 2015 Bridge to Integrated Marketing and Fundraising Conference. The session “Who Should You Love Most? Your Donors, Your Members or Your Subscribers” drew a great crowd – all ready to learn how to leverage their donor, member and/or subscriber base to raise the most revenue.   Now this is a topic that is dear to me – because as membership director of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, I think about it every day! Even though my focus is primarily on building and stewarding our member base, members and subscribers and donors are [...]

Let Your Supporters Define Themselves2019-01-20T11:26:42-05:00
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